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Our Paid Ad Experts Can Help You Fix That. Better Yet Get Your More Leads so that your can start scaling your business!

Create Brandawareness

The Truth Is Every Agency Knows How To Do This

You have to be creating brandawarenss for your business if you want people to buy your product. Unfortunately, you can’t just put an ad out there that say buy my product. The more you educate the more likely they will purchase in the future.

Drive Traffic To Your Site

Again Most People Can Figure This Out!

You can’t sell a product or service if you don’t have people coming to your website. The more traffic you have the more adjustments you can make, to convert that traffic into paying customers.

Convert Your Traffic Into Customers

Now This Is More Very Few Agencies Actually Know How To Do This!

This is where things can get tricky. I’ve found the more you give the more you get. That also goes with converting your traffic into buyers. Your marketing strategy on Facebook needs to give, give so more, and then convert.

People That Love Us

After a couple years of going through multiple web developers, video editors and social media managers a large company recommended Taylor Timothy. Taylor Timothy has since redesigned our web presence on multiple sites, designed and implemented a marketing plan and created engaging content to generate leads. All platforms are cohesive and operate as designed. Taylor is a one stop shop to take your website, social media presence and lead generation to the next level. We could not be happier with the progress.
James C Sweasy II

Chief Marketing Officer , Digital Influence LLC

I have worked with Taylor Calvin Timothy for nearly three years. Before we met I had no process, no way to track performance, progress. I was just guessing. He created a system that I could easily follow. Through our efforts I went from 200 Youtube subscribers to more than 2,000 today. He also helped me create a plan to ensure I rank high for the keywords in my market. Perhaps his biggest strength is he wants to do the work. Many marketers are so focused on getting new business they do not want to seem to do the actual day to day work. Taylor limits how many clients he works with at one time (so you get a lot of attention) and he is not afraid to speak honestly and tell you what he really thinks. If I could give him more than 5 stars I would. I highly recommend him and am thankful for his efforts to help my business.
Justin Paperny

Taylor is Great! So easy to work with and very understanding and willing to explain and re-explain things for people who don’t fully grasp what he does. He is very good at what he does and I have used him on more than one account. Taylor is my “go to” for my digital and SEO!
Andrew Perreault

Grateful for Taylors insights, SEO takes technical development that requires me to work with teams that don’t always see priorities eye to eye. Thanks to some of the wisdom from Taylor I was pointed to some key tests I could run on the site to really identify dev problems that really needed to be resolved. Showing them a report from Google that their site scored super bad gave me the spark needed to light a fire under their asses and get the site updated and improved So my SEO work could be more effective!
Braden Tobler

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